. puller . freeze . brumen . uletic . salvatus . buch . see-sides . brieux
. santos . connelly . begus . ceh . agressive-theater . couret . pothier
. andric . juranicic . uke . volcic . peco . veli . faric . de-bock . zumer
. cukovic . stojkov . bard . kud kurd . uno . puppetsmasters collective
. luidgi-minimum and LaVitrine with son:DA
a group exhibition with
open call "how to destroy a gallery?". because of the many reasons
one of the most active gallery project in city of Maribor(SLO) is closing
down. collective who is running the small, hand-made gallery out of wood
with two windows and covered with "tarmacom" and positioned
in the cultural center Pekarna, invited us for their last project with
the gallery "to destroy it". and the question now is, how to
destroy it alias the process of destroying it.
we decided for the open call and for the group exhibition of all send
signed or not signed ideas, all short (or long) concepts, one sentence
e-mails or drawings, flour plans, photos...
with e-mail-lists
supported by Artservis . UGM
Maribor . Kibla Maribor

: documentations of
exhibition on http://www.la-vitrine.eu/vitrine.html
: all sended ideas:
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-24 18:14:39NOM: Alex Veitch
prenom: Alex
adresse: Infopeka, Att: Alex Veitch, Ob Zeleznici 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia.
email: veitch@statementblues.com
website: http://www.rafilm.se mon_projet: http://www.mejeriet.net/rafilm/temp/La_Vitrine_DeCON.pdf.zip
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-22 23:08:47NOM: Puller
prenom: Gunter
adresse: Mittersteig 3a/27
1040 Vienna
email: guenterpuller@yahoo.de
telephone: 0043 699 81824943
website: http://puller.at.tt
mon_projet: There can be only one reason for the destroying of a gallery:
Too many artists exhibit at the last exhibition. ;-)
Please download my drawing as JPG from my website:
or as PDF:
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-18 23:28:16NOM: DA BOOTY HUNTER
prenom: FREEZE
adresse: Marseille you know
email: iwantmyghetto@frozendesign.net
website: http://www.myspace.com/freezedabootyhunter mon_projet:
D ST R O Y it be fore ThEm !!
i suggest that we get
an old car and DROP it on the la Vitrine gallery
from 3 or 4 meters and then paint everything in weird colors and leave
like that, like new contemporary monument.:-D
Marko Brumen
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-23 11:53:44NOM: _uletić
prenom: Ivan
adresse: Kičevska 6, Beograd, Srbija
email: rolazolski@gmail.com
website: http://
mon_projet: Well, as i read your invitation to pariticipate in the destroying
a gallery, by sending you ideas, something came to my mind - destroying
a gallery shouldn't be literal, demolishing it, or similar, it should
be o a symbolical level, by making it profane. (i am sorry about my english,
i am not using it much, and i don't know why i didn't start my e-mail
in serbian, but, well...) so, since i didn't have time to think about
it (i just checked my emails) i didn't think of an exact modus.. i think
i allready made it clear, but if i didn't - a gallery is a space dedicated
to art, presenting it and consuming it, and the only resonable way of
destroying it is by making it profane (as i already said)
sorry for the chaotic order of sentences in this mail,
all the best,
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-20 08:07:11NOM: Mark
prenom: Salvatus
adresse: 3d 1801 Fajardo cor Cristobal sts.,
Sampaloc, Manila 1015
email: markrams@yahoo.com
telephone: +63 910 8929904
website: http://marksalvatus.blogspot.com/
mon_projet: Project 1: "Invite all curators, critics and collectors
and the gallery will self destruct"
photo link 1: http://www.flickr.com/photos/markrams/2426555077/
Project 2: "Light an idea, burn the gallery"
photolink 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/markrams/2426555077/
to destroy your gallery,
we'd send the kids from the orphanage next door to our gallery: http://opengalerie.blogspot.com
or open a public toilet for men, don't clean it.
pretend, in your building is a terrorist who has taken hostages. call
the police and let the building be invaded by them. maybe the american
embassy is interested.
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-20 10:44:41NOM: langlais
prenom: brieux
adresse: 5 rue de la pomme chez Mlle SOURZAT 31000 Toulouse
email: brieuxbrieux@hotmail.fr
telephone: 0612156136
website: http://mon_projet: on installe un périmètre de
sécurité tout autour et on la blinde de feux d'artifice.
comme des grosses fusées roses vertes et jaunes.
peut etre un trop dangereux mais succes garanti
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-16 20:27:46NOM: Luisa Santos
prenom: Ana Luisa
adresse: 170 Kelmscott Gardens
Askew Road
W12 9DD
email: luisa.santos@rca.ac.uk
website: http://www.luisa-santos.blogspot.common_projet: The way I would
destroy a good gallery would be filling its walls with theories rather
than works. Explanations and justifications of artworks from others that
are not the artists who made the artworks. Full of quotes (unreadable,
most of the times, but good to know that the writer has read tones of
theory) wall texts of exhibitions, the so-called 'cutting edge exhibitions'
are, in my point of view, a good way of destroying a good gallery. And
a good exhibition.
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-23 12:58:35NOM: Joseph Connelly
prenom: Joseph
adresse: PO Box 3689
Jerusalem, ISRAEL 96142
email: josephconnelly170@gmail.com
website: http://connellyart.com mon_projet: Weigh the artists of the collective
LaVitrine. Procure the smae weight of locally produced honey. Smear and
pour the honey over the entire structure. The honey will act as a natural
preservative. A preserved gallery is a destroyed gallery.
se ogla_am v zvezi s to zadevo LaVitrine . Ko sem stvar zasledil na
artservisu mi je v spomin pri_el eden moj projekt, ki je bil
realiziran v sklopu projekta Mihe Vipotnika imenovanega Metrobish
virtual station, ki se je zgodil lani v glavnem mestu Kirgizstana
Bi_keku. Tam se je sicer zadeva odvijala v obratni smeri in sicer
tako, da se je podzemni prostor pod glavnim trgom, ki je neko_ slu_il
kot gara_a za namene KGB, spremenil v galerijo. Moj projekt je takrat
_el v smeri kritike moderne umetnosti in umetnosti nasploh, ki v
bistvu reproducira samo sebe in postaja s tem nekako odve_na - se
spreminja v "smeti". Vzporednico med mojim projektom in tem
LaVitrine vidim v tem, da je moj takratni umetni_ki projekt _el v
smeri samo izlo_itve iz konteksta, ki je pa_ takrat planiran, torej je
_lo za namen postavitve umetni_ke razstave, medtem ko pa_ gre v va_em
primeru za izlo_itev v nekako obratni smeri. Princip je pa_ isti.
Da vama bo polj jasno, o _em govorim, bom na kratko predstavil
dogajanje v Bi_keku. Kot sem _e omenil, naj bi v tem podzemnem
prostoru postavili enodnevno razstavo, s katero naj bi v Kirgizstanu
promovirali sodobno umetnost. Ko smo prvi_ pri_li v ta podzemni
prostor je bil le ta povsem zapu__en, umazan in poln smeti. Tako da
sem se jaz takrat odlo_il, da te smeti uporabim za svoj umetni_ki
projekt, kar je bilo na koncu koncev _e zelo funkcionalno, ker nekdo
je pa_ te smeti moral odstraniti, da se je lahko razstava tam sploh
zgodila. Ampak v tem procesu odstranjevanja smeti in oblikovanja
svojega umetni_kega dela, je postajalo o_itno, da ta transformacija
pa_ ne more uspeti in da bo na koncu koncev moj izdelek ostal zgolj
kup smeti, ki so "slu_ile" le temu, da se je zaradi mojega
"ustvarjanja" razstava lahko sploh zgodila brez da bi obiskovalci
imeli ob_utek, da so pri_li na smeti__e.
kakorkoli _e, ve_ o samem projektu metrobish si lahko ogledata tukaj
http://www.nimiy.com/metrobish/index.html, tule je pa _e slika tega
projekta http://www.nimiy.com/metrobish/images/andraz.jpg in moja
umetni_ka izjava tega mojega ukvarjanja s smetmi
torej, v tem kontekstu vidim jaz osebno to ru_enje tega galerijskega
prostora dejansko v njegovi izlo_itvi iz konteksta, v katerem se
trenutno nahaja, kar pomeni, da se mora v njem zgoditi karkoli, razen
umetni_ke razstave. torej, neka izpraznitev, tako v fizi_nem kot
duhovnem smislu, po kateri ta prostor, ta objekt preprosto ne bo ve_
imel vsebine, ki jo je vsa ta leta svojega obstoja nosil. na koncu
koncev gre za vpra_anje, kaj je sploh umetnost. oziroma ali je nekaj
umetnost zato, ker se nahaja znotraj umetni_ke galerije, ali pa je
umetni_ka galerija zato, ker gosti umetni_ki objekt? in nenazadnje se
mi zdi tudi zelo relevantno razmi_ljanje v tej smeti, da je umetni_ka
refleksija v teh sto letih po rojstvu sodobne umetnosti, ki jo
utemelji duchamp, pri_la do to_ke, da je edini mo_en korak, ki ne vodi
ve_ v ponavljanje, produciranje "smeti", zgolj _e ukinitev umetnosti,
oziroma institucije umetnosti. torej, podrimo vse galerije, vse
kar jaz predlagam je tako neko totalno o_i__enje prostora,
dezinfekcija, ki bo odstranila _e zadnje ostanke umetni_kega z
namenom, da se umetni_ko s tem dejansko glorificira. to je nekako v tem
smislu, ko nek umetnik recimo umre, s tem pa se cena njegovega dela avtomatsko
zvi_a. vse tisti smeti, umazanijo, ki se je vsa ta leta nabirala in nabrala
znotraj tega prostora, se pa shrani (kot neke vrste du_o umrlega) oziroma
predstavi kot zadnji umetni_ki projekt.
gre za to, da je v vseh teh letih v tem prostoru obstajalo nekaj, kar
sama namembnost prostora, njegova funkcija, poslanstvo nikoli ni spremenila
v "umetnost", kot se je pa_ to dogajalo z vsemi temi predmeti,
ki so na koncu koncev bili "umetnost" zgolj zato, ker so se
nahajali znotraj objekta, ki je bil zami_ljen kot prostor "umetnosti".
torej, to zaprtje galerije vidim kot prilo_nost, da se "popravijo
krivice" vsemu, ki je v tem galerijskem prostoru obstajalo in vendar
ni bilo prepoznano kot umetnost.
KAKO UNI_ITI GALERIJO?Zastavlja se nam vpra_anje: Kako ru_iti in hkrati
ohraniti ve_nost galerije? Mislimo da je odgovor skrit v samem ru_enju.
_e poru_imo samo polovico, nato poru_imo polovico polovice, nato spet
polovico te _etrtine itd., do konca obstoja nikoli ne pridemo, vedno pa
obstaja neskon_no majhen delec, ki je del galerije. Torej: _e ru_imo na
tak na_in, postavlja ru_enje na _asovni premici obstoj galerije v neskon_nost.
Z ru_enjem podalj_ujemo _ivljenjsko dobo galerije.
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-21 21:49:21
prenom: Antoine
adresse: 5 bis boulevard de bonne nouvelle
75002 PARIS
email: antoine_couret@hotmail.fr
telephone: 0612653696
website: http://
mon_projet: How to destroy a gallery?
How to destroy a space dedicated to the art? A space of sales? A shop
of art?
How to destroy a place where the art is sold?! Where the art is sold itself(buys
itself)?! Where the art is a bissness, a product?!
How to destroy a shop window? A facade?!
Pierre by stone, minutely; to defuse it ?!
In the pneumatic drill?!
In the explosive, as we blow up a puit of petroleum ?
With bare hands?!
With a jumper? In knocks of bludgeons?
To destroy a gallery, it is just my dream.
I am really very incited by this idea.
I just want to do it myself because I know what that is.
I want to do it myself in knowledge of causes and consequences.
I just want to do it myself, with a working object.
I worked with workbenches, chairs, stepladders ,stool, clothes and vacuum.
To destroy a gallery can be only an artistic gesture.
My name is Antoine Couret.
You can see some pictures of my works here.
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-17 14:14:28NOM: Pothier
prenom: Benjamin
adresse: 31 FBG ST VINCENT 45000 ORLEANS
email: benipi@gmail.com
website: http://liftconference.com/person/ben
mon_projet: i suggest to cut the wood in a postcard format and to send
this via mail all over the world to people you know and to cultural institutions
to tell them about the closing of the gallery. maybe you can stamp or
silkscreen something at the back? And give the two windows, dont stupidly
destroy it... for the tarmacom eurr! what's this?
A theatre play by Branko Andric
Content of the play (Dialogs, Protagonists) will constist
1. Observations and documentations-recordings,
of the live destruction process of the gallery La Vitrine.
2. Arthistorical background of former jugoslawia,
(neo-avangdard movements/conceptual artis) from
the 60ies and 70ies with the focus of questions and
issues that araised at that time (and are still relevant).
3. The self refreshing entity is in every each of following plays is
an artist, as a kind of a continuation of the agenda of the
gallery he or she is invited for residency in side
of the the theatre play. By this the play changes every time
depending of the open input/channel which leads
to a dynamic or flexible Dialog-List. By this, issues of
contemporary art or particular artists are allways on stage
and in dialog to the points 1 and 2.
Wolrd Premiere:
The day when the gallery is going to be distructed.
Extended Concept/Further plays:
The aim is that the play travalles through different cities
of formar jugoslawia and beyond. By this the participating artist
is from the background of the particular city.
The play may take play in a theatre as well as under the
roof of an art space.
povabi_ cel Mariborski mestni svet in jih poprosi_, da prinesejo na listku
napisane ideje kako bi se izognili zaprtju galerije.
te ideje naj napikajo na stene same galerije.
zaradi koli_ine listkov z neplodnimi idejami se galerija poru_i sama vase
saj stene galerije ne bodo prenesle koli_ine napikanih listkov.
verjetno je dovolj, _e se omejite samo na eno steno, ki bo ob lastnem
sesutju za seboj potegnila _e druge.
Priporo_ljivo je, da v galeriji pustite vsaj enega _lana vladajo_e stranke
in mu posthumno na mestu ru_evin postavite obele_je - nad-akt k samemu
performansu uni_enja
idejo bi bilo potrebno mal dodelati...
@ : ales.jurancic@gmail.com
w3 : http://picasaweb.google.com/ales.jurancic
how to destroy a gallery?
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIBYRDJCWFQ2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/gentlejunk/1981516694/sizes/o/in/set-72157603110112559/
http://gentlejunk.net - what is art today?
http://stanicamir.org - free media
http://mmkamp.gentlejunk.net - multiemedia & free traveling radio
http://impromondays.net - improvised sessions
www.uke.hr/BR-HR - free culture exchange
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-21 23:21:50NOM: spela
prenom: volcic
email: spela_v@yahoo.it
website: http:// mon_projet: Projekt vam posljem na CD-ju po posti.
Lep pozdrav
spustite noter termite.
naselite doma_e in avtohtone lesene _rve. (peco)
na spletu sem zasledil (You tube), prenesel in obdelal oglas ameri_ke
vojske, ki bi vam lahko pri_el prav pri re_evanju va_ega problema. V tem
primeru preprosto naro_ite "nevidni" bombnik B-2, ki vam na
dogovorjeno mesto ob dogovorjeni uri, odvr_e _eljeno koli_ino in vrsto
Podobnih "pripomo_kov", ki jim pomagajo pri _irjenju demokracije
in podobnih norosti imajo kar precej.
Zanimiv se mi je zdel tudi atomski top iz leta 1953. _e se odlo_ite za
to varijanto, bi bilo mogo_e kandidirati za evropska sredstva-Interreg.
_lo bi namre_ za mednarodni projekt, kjer bi k sodelovanju povabili Hrva_ko,
ki bi posodila svoje ozemlje za postavitev topa. Ta projekt je zelo zanimiv,
ker bi vanj vklju_ili tudi lokalno prebivalstvo na obeh straneh meje.
Samo dogajanje in izvedbo bi sli_alo in videlo kak_nih 750 000 tiso_ povabljenih
in naklju_nih obiskovalcev (SLO, HR, AUT), kar bi zelo prispevalo k popularizaciji
kulture na _ir_em podro_ju. Dogodek kot tak pa bi bil lep uvod v EPK 2012.
Hvala za povabilo in veliko uspeha pri uni_enju galerije.
Prosim sporo_ite mi, _e ste prejeli po_to.
Lep pozdrav!
Boris Fari_
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-22 15:06:36NOM: DE BOCk
prenom: Arnaud
adresse: calle Agami 1,1 ,2
28000 Madrid
email: sectordub@msn.com
website: http://www.sexflower.fr
mon_projet: Mon travaille actuelle tourne autour de la Guerre,
alors je me suis pas mal renseigner sur les moyens de destruction( vous
pouvez voir mon travail sur www.sexflower.fr)
Comment detruire une galerie?
En melangeant les 10 litre de chacun des deux composant necesaire a fabriquer
de la mousse expansive, a l interieur d´' un oeuf de 2m de hauteur(en
Secouer l'oeuf,
attendre quelque seconde, et Bang!!!!!!!!
L explosion!!!!!
Un hommage a César...a la poule et a l oeuf
Et une grosse masse informe remplassant la galerie!!!!
Si vous desirex plus de detail , (des plans)sur la fabrication de la bombeoeuf,
ecrivez moi.
Sem Jernej _umer (nejzum@gmail.com)
in tukaj je moja ideja, kako uni_iti LaVitrine.
V priponki je skica s potreb__inami in obrazlo_itvijo po to_kah.
Upam da so le te dovolj jasne.
Napisal bom samo _e kratek povzetek.
La vitrine se prebarva v modro in zeleno sliko zemlje - planeta, vanjo
pa se polo_i 5 oran_nih traktorskih gum, povezanih v kroge OI. Vse skupaj
se napihne in la vitrine - zemljo raznese.
Za vse so pa krive OI igre, ki so "umazane" z barvo tibetanskih
miroslav cukovic
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-22 17:23:51NOM: Darko
prenom: Stojkov
adresse: Otona Zupančiča 38-4, Novi Beograd
email: stojkovntarko@yahoo.com
website: http:// mon_projet:
Best way to destroy gallery is to make out of the gallery space a bar
(BAR,KAFANU ili BISTRO) a local drinking place with cheep drinks, snaps(domace
rakije) beer where would local drinkers and fallen artist meet. Because
when something goes wrong in country(or in life something's fall apart)its
hard living and there is no money; there is always money for drinking
and smoking!(reasons for that are not established yet)
Smear it with honey and invite the community to lick it to deathPerry
313 Church Street
New York City 10013
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-25 21:10:23
NOM: luidgi
prenom: litalien
adresse: minimum@fastwebnet.it
email: minimum@fastwebnet.it
telephone: +39 3333945720
website: http://www.mnmm.biz
mon_projet: attachez la vitrine a deux grands ballon, attendez que la
vitrine s'envole.
c'est pas fini. prenez des fusils et tirez su les ballons.
maintenant sera fini.
salut les amis!
Formulaire envoyé
le 2008-04-25 17:26:15NOM: Puppetmasters Collective
prenom: Leslie
email: l.deere@gmail.com
website: http://mon_projet: Four local firemen approach the gallery from
the North the South the East and the West. Their shiny helmets gleaming
in the sun, each fireman carries a hose connected to a large tank or reservoir.
Upon a pre-determined signal each fireman releases the catch on his hose,
unleashing a huge, powerful and colourful jet of paint onto the structure.
Each jet is one of the colours of the Slovenian flag: red, blue, white
and the fourth colour being black, to represent the long slow and painful
death of the gallery.
The entire event is filmed in hi-definition video, the camera lingering
in slow motion at the crucial moment when the colourful jet strikes the
wall of the gallery, paint spraying into the air, splintered wood mixing
with pure colour.
Finally, the paint jets are made silent and the camera pulls back to reveal
the devastation, the colour, the destruction.
We call this Death By Paint.
razmisljal sem, da bi
nardil en kolaz s tekocheekru motivi, ki so do sedaj
krasili vse majce. kao tekoca stena. kake dimenzije pa so mozne?